Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Book of the Day

Today's book of the day is...


Author: Ingrid Law

Genre: Fiction

About This Book: Mibs Beaumont is about to become thirteen. This is the day her savvy, or power, kicks in. She wants nothing more than a savvy that can save her father, who has become severely injured in a car crash, until things become mixed up. Mibs sneaks onto a bus that is heading to the hospital her father is staying in. Her siblings tail along. When the bus leads the wrong direction, nothing for either of these kids will ever be the same. Read more and find out what happens!  

The Point of This Blog Is...

To get fascinated in the world of wonderful books! This blog is going to be all about different books! If you have any requests for a list of specific books, you may comment on any post and I will be sure to complete your request! Have a nice time reading the richness and capacity of books. Any word can change a whole world!